FREE WHITEPAPER: Steam & Microfibre in Healthcare

Outbreak Cleaning with Steam Vapour

Outbreak cleaning requires attention to detail and ensuring all hidden areas or surfaces have been thoroughly sanitised. Outbreak cleaning focuses on areas that can sometimes be overlooked during a regular clean, such as sink drains, toilet rims, and air ducts.

Without a “sustainable” process, an outbreak clean will take more time, labour and resources.

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outbreak prevention with stam vapour

Outbreak prevention in healthcare

Outbreak Cleaning Applications


Steam clean and disinfect

  • Using a product from the Jetsteam range, steam clean all large surfaces, upholstery and touch points.
  • Steam will leave surfaces dry and kill bacteria, rather than “washing” surfaces.

steam cleaning and disinfecting healthcare surfaces with steam vapour


Steam clean and disinfect

+160° degrees Celsius

  • Ensure the steam vapour that is used during an outbreak clean is at a temperature of 160 degrees Celcius and above.
  • Disinfect and deodourise to prevent an infectious outbreak.